Friday, April 2, 2010

This One's for You, Ben

My friend Ben has recently endeavored into the wine-making business.  He's a Tacoma native like myself and has a strong sense of being a "local" in the best way possible.  Although I don't drink myself, I think his ambition and progress so far is pretty impressive: .   Which brings me to the point of this blog posting...

Yesterday, Shanley and I took a Winelands tour, which was stunningly beautiful and richly informative.  Again, the tour group was intimately small: Margaret from Oxford, Bob & Kathy from Toronto, then Shanley and me (we were the runts by at least thirty years).  Our tour guide Wilmot is a native South African (ironically, he was also a non-drinker) and he delivered a wealth of information.

The tour consisted of wine and cheese tasting at estates in Paarl and Stellenbosch, as well as a visit to Spier.  Stellenbosch is sort of a University-town and has a lot of Dutch influence, and at Spier I opted to pet the Cheetahs instead of doing the wine tasting.  The drive alone, prime landscape viewing, was worth the price of the tour (we paid less than $75 each)!

This last photo is a stop we made at Victor Vester (the other prison where Nelson Mandela was kept, different than Robben Island).  Note, the people in orange jumpsuits are actual prisoners.


  1. Very envious of the S. African Winery Tours! The closest I can get right now is a S. African wine tasting event at Pour At Four next week! and that whole cheetah petting thing...very cool. You have become one with sharks, cheetahs, turtles...what is next?

  2. wow that is one calm cheetah! I've always thought it'd be cool to swim with dolphins, though I've never even conceived petting a cheetah. I would think it could b scary--though u both look happy and the cheetah looks fine, hmmmm...i'll have to think about it in case I ever find myself amidst a cheetah :)
